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May 2023

kharghat turbhe link road project

Kharghar Turbhe Link Road project

The Kharghar Turbhe Link Road (KTLR) project is a crucial infrastructure development initiative that aims to ease traffic congestion and improve connectivity between two of Navi Mumbai's rapidly developing areas. The 5.8 km long, six-lane road project will connect Kharghar, a planned township, and Turbhe, an industrial area.

choose property that pays rental income

How to choose the best home that pays you back as rental income?

Choosing a home that can generate rental income is a smart investment strategy, but it requires careful consideration and research. Here are some steps you can take to select a home that will generate rental income: Research the local rental market:  Before buying a home, research the local rental market to determine the demand for rental properties in the area, the typical rental rates, and the...

buying vs renting which is good

Buying vs. renting a home. Which one is good?

Buying a house for the first time is the biggest challenge for monthly salaried professionals. The final decision on home finance should be taken more cautiously because a single wrong step can put you into huge debt. Consider the steps before buying vs renting a home: Returns on investment:  Return on investment is considered if there is an investment into the real estate market or the amount...

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