
Price Plan

Type Carpet Area Pricing
425-428 Sq.Ft
701-715 Sq.Ft
852-922 Sq.Ft
1315 Sq.Ft

Explore Affordable Luxury: Price for 1, 2, 3, 4 BHK at Birla Vanya, Kalyan

At Birla Vanya, we know that securing the perfect home is a lifetime goal and a major achievement. For this reason, we’re committed to providing superb 1, 2, 3, and 4 BHK flats at affordable and competitive prices. We understand that your home is more than just a place to live; it’s a place where lifelong memories are created and treasured. We promise a smooth and satisfying path toward becoming the owner of your dream home with our carefully designed price plans. Let’s look at our pricing options and see how we can help you fulfill your dreams.

Affordable Prices for Every Budget

We believe everyone should be able to live in luxury. We have also carefully chosen our price points to ensure affordability without sacrificing quality. Whether you’re looking for an affordable 4 BHK flat or a spacious 1 BHK, 2 BHK, 3 BHK in Kalyan. Birla Vanya has a range of alternatives to fit your budget.

Seamless Payment Flow

Our clients enjoy an easy process due to our simplified payment method. Our committed staff will assist you every step of the way, from your initial inquiry to the last payment, guaranteeing honesty and trust through the whole process.

Home Loan Options

We offer attractive home loan options with top financial institutions to further ease the stress of ownership. By helping you choose the best financing option, our team of experts will make it easier than ever to buy the house of your dreams.

Unlock Your Dream Home Today

At Birla Vanya, we aim to help you unlock the door to your ideal home. We’re here to make your journey to ownership satisfying and easy with premium 1 BHK, 2 BHK, 3 BHK, and 

4 BHK flats at affordable prices, easy payment flow, and appealing home loan options. Don’t wait any longer – invest in your future with Birla Vanya today. The time is right to move forward with flexible pricing plans and attractive financing options. Contact us to schedule a customized visit with us now to start on the path to a better future in Kalyan.

Contact Us : 

+91 9004179089


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